Background of expenditure control
Government expenditure is approved and controlled by heads and subheads. The majority of subheads are cash-limited, i.e. a Controlling Officer can only spend up to the amount approved under a certain subhead unless there is supplementary provision approved. Any virement of funds between subheads is subject to certain regulations and depending on the amount, may require the approval of Finance Bureau or the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. 

What is one-line vote?
To put it simply, a one-line vote means putting most, if not all, recurrent expenditure (covering Personal Emoluments (PE), Departmental Expenses (DE) and/or Other Charges (OC)) for operation of a department under one subhead (i.e. a new Subhead 000 Operational expenses). This subhead is cash-limited. Controlling Officer may use the money approved under Subhead 000 for the operation of his/her department flexibly without the need to obtain further approval from other authority. Please refer to the table below for comparison of a simplified estimates page with and without one-line vote.
Conventional vote-funded management
Sub-head Estimate
$     '000
                     Recurrent Account
            I --- Personal Emcluments
001 Salaries  ..................................................  60,217
002 Allowances ..............................................    1,344 
               Total, Personal Emcluments ..............   61,561 
            II --- Personal Related Expenses
012 General training .......................................   65,922
           III --- Departmental Expenses
149 General departmental expenses ...................   12,697
                Total, Recurrent Account ................ 140,180
Under a one-line vote
Sub-head Estimate
$     '000
Recurrent Account
000 Operational Expenses............................... 140,180
Total, Recurrent Account ........... 140,180

Why one-line vote? 
Because we want to give departments and agencies greater autonomy and flexibility in resources management so as to achieve greater productivity gains. Controlling Officers, being closest to the people they are serving, are in the best position to make timely decisions on how resources could be optimally used.

What are the benefits? 
At least three benefits: speed up decision making in resources management; develop a sense of ownership amongst managers in departments which in turn would encourage more creative thinking in productivity enhancement; provide departments the flexibility to decide on the most optimal mix of manpower and other input resources to do the job.

What are the safeguards? 
There are controls over the proper use of fund under Subhead 000. To quote a few: (i) establishment controls in the form of Notional Annual Mid-point Salaries (NAMS) will stay, i.e. cannot recruit more staff even if funds are available when reaching the NAMS ceiling unless approved by the Finance Committee; (ii) exactly the same financial information on a subhead-by-subhead basis is provided in the Estimates for disclosure purpose; (iii) provide quarterly financial reports showing the actual spending and any redeployment of funds within Subhead 000 (i.e. subhead-by-subhead as if there is no one-line vote) to Finance Committee for information.

Who are participating? 
Five departments (i.e. the Hong Kong Police Force, the Treasury, the Intellectual Property Department, the Civil Service Training & Development Institute and the Office of the Ombudsman) have been chosen as pilot departments in 1999-2000 financial year. They are chosen because they represent a good sample of departments of various sizes and nature of services.

Can my department apply for it?
Not for the time being. We will study the experience gained in the pilot departments and review this arrangement in a year's time.

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